PFAW: Telebriefing on Citizens United v. FEC

Today, the Supreme Court handed down its ruling in Citizens United v. FEC. In a testament to the right-wing activism of the Roberts Court, the conservative bloc of Justices ruled 5-4 against previous Court precedent and the long-established principle that the government can act in the interest of democracy to prevent corporations from pouring in billions of dollars to unduly influence elections.

Friend of the organization, Maryland State Senator and American University Constitutional law professor Jamin Raskin has agreed to do a telebriefing tomorrow for People For the American Way supporters to explain what this important decision means for the future of elections and what it tells us about the Court.

The telebriefing will be tomorrow (Friday), January 22 at 1:30pm Eastern Time.

Sign up for the telebriefing now.

You’ll receive the necessary call-in information shortly after you are confirmed.

Thank you for your support of People For the American Way and of a fair and independent federal judiciary.

— Ben Betz, Online Communications Manager

P.S. You can read our press release in response the Citizens United decision here.

MoveOn–No More Compromises

Watching a conservative Republican replace Ted Kennedy in the Senate is devastating.

But as bad as the news is this morning, there’s actually one reason to be hopeful.

For the last year, Democrats in Washington have let lobbyists and corporate interests run roughshod over the peoples’ business. Wall Street got bailouts. Bankers got bonuses. Big Insurance rewrote the health care bill. Meanwhile, ordinary Americans struggled to make ends meet.

But now, finally, Democrats know they need to change course. The question is, will they learn exactly the wrong lesson? Will they give up on change altogether? Drop health care reform? Follow the lead of conservatives like Joe Lieberman and Evan Bayh embrace “Republican-lite”?

I just signed MoveOn’s petition to make sure Democrats don’t get it wrong this time. It’s time to demand that they start truly fighting for working families. Will you join me?

NY: State of the State

Governor David Paterson will give his second State of the State Address on Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 1:00 P.M. To watch a live webcast of the speech, please visit the Governor’s website at

Mary Daly RIP

Obituary for Prof. Mary Daly

I was saddened to learn of the death of Prof. Mary Daly, feminist theologian.  Prof. Daly came to Boston College while I was an undergrad.  She did an excellent job of challenging  the intellectual status quo there.  I met her several times and attended her presentations.  I found I agreed with her  thought; but, to my chagrin, found her personally difficult to interact with.  I suppose this is often the case with genius.  The theological world is lessened  by her loss.